What is Mixed Hearing Loss?

Mixed hearing loss occurs when both conductive hearing loss and sensorineural hearing loss are present, at the same time and in the same ear. In this case, there is likely to be damage to the outer or middle ear as well as to the inner ear or auditory nerve.


Potential Causes:

Causes of mixed hearing loss vary greatly wildly. Typically, the sensorineural hearing loss is already present and the conductive hearing loss develops later and for an unrelated reason. Very rarely, a conductive hearing loss can cause a sensorineural hearing loss. As with sensorineural and conductive hearing losses, only a thorough diagnostic hearing and medical evaluation can identify a specific cause.


Treatment Options:

Medication or surgery may be the treatment option for conductive portion of the mixed hearing loss, but these interventions cannot treat the sensorineural portion of the hearing loss. Many people who suffer from a mixed hearing loss will receive medical treatment for the conductive hearing loss but will have to use hearing aids to treat the remaining sensorineural component of their hearing loss. Mild to profound sensorineural hearing loss can be helped through the use of hearing aids.


Learn about the other types of hearing loss:

If you have any questions about mixed hearing loss or hearing loss in general, please contact us to speak with an audiologist.